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Friday, December 14, 2018

Rising above

I got lucky yesterday, and ended up with some nice pictures of waves, so here are a few more.  

Sometimes I try to take "clean" pictures of waves, without anything else in the photo, but then it's hard to judge the size of the waves.  In this set of images, I took advantage of the gulls that were surfing the waves and the beautiful low-angled light.  [Click on the photos for larger versions.]


Sue Johnson said...

Love the "shadow Bird" photo. Made me think about how that came about.
I think it must have been magic!

Jackie Sones said...

Hi, Sue!


It's a story with a few interesting pieces. The basics -- I noticed a lot of gulls near some of the waves. I wondered what they might be feeding on. When I took a closer look, a few of them were picking up items from the surface, but I realized that most of the gulls were surfing in front of the breaking waves. Riding along, peeling off when the wave started to crash, then flying back out to catch another one.

Within that scene, my eye was drawn to a foamy area, in part because I liked the patterns in the foam, but also because I liked the light, and I was intrigued that sometimes I could see the shadows of the gulls better than the gulls themselves.

(There are other images where both the bird and its shadow are in the picture, but you have to look really hard to find the bird associated with the shadow!)

Anyway, I'm glad you liked the photo!

:) Jackie