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Monday, June 15, 2020

Oriole views

The Hooded Orioles have continued to visit our yard, so I've compiled some recent shots of the juveniles (there are three).

They seem especially attracted to the flowers of the Pineapple Guava tree:

They young orioles are also drawn to the water bath, but they're still trying to figure it out:

This is one of my favorite views (below), perhaps because you don't often get to watch songbirds sleeping and because the light on the feathers is interesting.  

Sometimes the juvenile orioles find a quiet place to take a nap.  Here's a zoomed in view of one of the juveniles with its head turned and its bill tucked under the feathers on its back:

It's been a treat to watch and listen to this family in our backyard!


eyeper said...

Nice shots of these juveniles. These birds nest each year in the fan palm across the street from us in Santa Rosa. They are very wary and don't like to be watched.

Jackie Sones said...

Thanks! I agree, they're incredibly watchful. Even from the house I have to move as little as possible, otherwise they'll fly off. All of these photos were taken from our kitchen.

:) Jackie