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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Looming large


Getting ready for some low tide work this morning, couldn't help taking a photo of the super blue moon!  Photographed from Cotati on 20 August 2024.


John W. Wall said...

Interesting! I always thought the blue moon was the second full moon in a month, which this clearly isn't, but apparently there's also a "seasonal" blue moon, making this one of the (ain't no cure for) summertime blues.

Jackie Sones said...

Longer story, but I did this post in a rush in the early morning...and Eric asked if I was going to mention that it was a super blue moon because all of the newspaper headlines were describing it that way. So I went ahead and added that description, but I hadn't realized this was a "seasonal blue moon" rather than a "monthly blue moon!" That's confusing!

I think it quickly passed through my head that it was odd this was a blue moon closer to the middle of the month, as the "monthly blue moons" are usually at the very end of a month. But I was on my way out the door and didn't stop to check on it, which I usually do. Anyway, thanks for mentioning it...I learned something new!
