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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

This day


Okay, I'll admit that I've been distracted by the Olympics recently, so apologies for not posting very much.  Sometimes when I need a quick idea for a post, I'll go back to a previous year at around the same date to see if a photo strikes me sort of like a "This Day in NHBH History."  

Some of you might remember these rainbow clouds from August 2022. 

So beautiful! 


Sybold said...

We miss you when you're not posting, but it's understandable. These clouds are amazing.
Can you point us to the reasons why?

Jackie Sones said...

Well, I don't know that much about clouds, but I learned a little bit about "rainbow clouds" (or circumhorizon arcs) a couple of years ago. The previous post doesn't include an in-depth explanation, but has some info about ice crystals and the angle of the sun.


:) Jackie