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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Untangling the diversity of ribbon worms


Such a nice mosaic of local ribbon worms!  [You can click on the image for a sharper version.]

Eric and Maddy (partnering with Christina and Svetlana) worked on a project documenting and discovering the diversity of nemerteans, commonly known as ribbon worms, in Bodega Bay.  Their results were recently published in ZooKeys and a story about their findings is now available in Bay Nature magazine.

For the Bay Nature article, click here.

For the ZooKeys article (scientific publication, with pdf version available), click here

Remarkably, their research found 11 ribbon worm species that are new to science!  Nice work, everyone, on documenting this understudied group and opening our eyes to the diversity around us.


Wendy Feltham said...

Congratulations! I help out with intertidal surveys with the marine science center where I live on the Olympic Peninsula, WA. This is very exciting and inspiring news.

Jackie Sones said...

Thanks, Wendy!

Maybe you'll turn up some interesting ribbon worms in Washington!

:) Jackie

John W. Wall said...

Holy cow! Eleven new species! That's amazing. Cool mosaic too.

Limantour walker said...

Go Budding Scientists! We celebrate your curiosity and persistence!