If you're interested in using any of these photographs in any way, please contact me. Send an e-mail to naturalhistoryphotos(at)gmail.com. Thanks!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

For a moment

One of the reasons I'm maintaining this blog is to serve as an archive, to leave a record of local species and natural events that other people can refer to in the future.  But I'll admit, during the last few days I haven't felt like taking photos of the smoky scenes surrounding us.  And I feel awful for everyone who's having a hard time right now.  So here's a photo to try to bring you to a different place, if even for a moment.  [You can click on it for a larger version.]

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina), Drakes Estero, 8 August 2020


Alice Chan said...

Thank you. Your photos and documentation of interesting phenomena are a valued and important part of my online experience.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the neoteny! :)

WallaWalla said...

Please, never feel discouraged. Your blog is very, very valuable for those of us who can't be there to see the ocean or the amazing creatures you show us. Every morning I look forward to what you've posted--whether it's of some tiny, tiny creature I've never heard of or one of your beautiful pictures of sky and waves. (Those clouds earlier this week were fantastic--in the deepest sense of the word.)
Thank you, again and again . . . .

Jackie Sones said...

Hello! Thanks so much for the encouragement. The NHBH is valuable to me, too, in a lot of different ways. And it might seem odd, but I'm always disappointed in the morning when there isn't a new post to look at...which of course is funny because when I check and notice there isn't a new entry and then say, "Why isn't there a new post?", it's me who didn't post anything! :)

It was so disheartening to think about holding up my camera and documenting yet another scary wildfire event. I'm so thankful for all of the work that the firefighters and other emergency responders are doing. Such an incredible effort. I couldn't be more grateful for their bravery and skill.


freightskwerl said...

I am so saddened by the wildfires; I keep thinking about each tree, flower, bird, critter I have encountered over the past 10 years of greater Bay Area hiking, especially in Point Reyes. Thank you so much for your beautiful photos that bear witness to the importance and display the beauty of each living being, both large and small.