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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Waiting out the wind


Well, when it comes to phalaropes, I just can't help myself.  I caught up with a few more Red-necked Phalaropes (Phalaropus lobatus) in the early evening (20 May 2021).  So here's another selection of these beautiful sea-shorebirds that spend nine months out of the year at sea, but that we're lucky to observe at the coast every now and then.

Hunkered down in the wind:


Female preening:

 Male walking along the shoreline and then preening:

And one more.  I was hoping for a nice flight shot.  I didn't have much luck tonight, but here's the best so far:


Dan Gurney said...

I love your photos, particularly on those (windy) days that I don't get out to see the Bodega Bay coast live and in person. Thanks for posting.

adrienne said...

Oh my! Gorgeous colors of a bird I've not seen in person,
PLUS a comment from Dan Gurney, the best Kindergarden teacher ever! Hello Dan! Used Soundabet for many years.