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Monday, May 24, 2021

Murphy's, Part 2


Here are a few more photos of the Murphy's Petrel (Pterodroma ultima) observed ~30 miles offshore yesterday (24 May 2021).  This species nests in the south-central Pacific Ocean (e.g., Pitcairn Islands, Tuamotu Islands, Austral Islands) and then shifts north to the subtropical areas of the NE Pacific during the non-breeding season.  They're visitors to offshore waters as far north as British Columbia.  

According to the Rare Birds of California, Murphy's Petrel is a routine visitor to California, but generally occurs "offshore near the interface between warm waters of the North Pacific Gyre and cold waters of the California Current."  

Note the overall dark gray coloration, paler color around the face (especially chin/throat area), and extensive white on underside of the primaries (outer wing feathers).

What a treat to see this species while aboard the New Sea Angler!  Thanks, Rick! 


Alice Chan said...

Thank you so much for sharing these photos!
What a great day you must have had.

Jackie Sones said...

Thanks so much, Alice! It was a wonderful day on the ocean. It always lifts my spirit to spend some time with our open ocean neighbors. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to learn and share! :) Jackie