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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Frost art?

It was chilly here this morning solid ice in the bird bath.  Santa Rosa set a cold temperature record for the date (24 February 2022) of 26°F (-3°C).
When I walked out to the car to go to work, I noticed this unusual frost pattern of dots surrounded by circles.  
Here's a closer view:

Interesting to see that both components, the center and the rim, were made up of clusters of rectangular crystals.  
Here's another even closer view:


Alice Chan said...

Interesting! I don't recall ever having seen a pattern like that on windshield ice before. I wonder what caused it?

Jackie Sones said...

Hi, Alice! Yes, I wonder, too. Maybe there were droplets on the car before the temperature dropped, but I'm not sure why a "moat" effect would develop? There's always something to puzzle over!

:) Jackie