If you're interested in using any of these photographs in any way, please contact me. Send an e-mail to naturalhistoryphotos(at)gmail.com. Thanks!

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Belly full of fish


Wishing you good health, happiness, and a belly full of fish in the New Year (or whatever you'd like to wish for!).


adrienne said...

Thank you, Jackie, for being a bright light every day! Your intimate photographs have given me connection to the wonder of our animal friends. A precious gift. My morning smile. Deeply grateful.

Unknown said...

And the same to you! Thank you for your blog, whose beauty and teaching helped me through an awful year.

Jackie Sones said...

Hello! Thanks so much for your comments and feedback! It makes me really happy to know that people are waking up to the NHBH and starting their days with smiles and feelings of connection. I love natural history, but it means a lot to me to know that other people are looking at and thinking about these things, too.

:) Jackie