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Friday, December 11, 2020

My, what long toes!

A quick shot of a Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca) at our backyard bird bath.  I was struck by the length of its toes!


Anonymous said...

All the better to scratch in the leaf litter!
Great capture!

Alice Chan said...

Around our place they only rummage around in the leaves on the ground; I've never seen one sitting on a perch, so now I'll have to be on the lookout for a toe-sighting!!

Linda S said...

When I look closely I see sort of normal looking toes with super long claws. Are all fox sparrows like that, I wonder?

Jackie Sones said...

Hi, Linda,

Good point about the claws. The toes themselves also seem long to me, but I would need to compare with other species. Fox Sparrows are known for towhee-like or two-footed scratching while searching for food, so I'm guessing these long toes/claws might be a characteristic of this species (but I'll admit I haven't paid much attention to it!). Perhaps someone who has a lot of experience looking at Fox Sparrows, either in the field or in a museum, would be able to comment?
