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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Not your typical shell...


We went for a short walk on the outer beach at Point Reyes today (26 December 2020).  I'm not sure I've ever seen so many Corolla spectabilis pseudoconchs washed ashore.  Here's the flip-side:


I've written about this interesting pelagic snail in several previous blog posts.  For  an introduction, check out "Gelatinous thimble" on 11 August 2012.  If you go to the NHBH website (to do so if you're reading this message in an e-mail, click on the title of the post), you can also enter "corolla" in the search box at the very top left of the web page to see all of the earlier posts that discuss this intriguing member of the plankton.


Ms.Burstein said...

We found a bunch of these in Humboldt today too!

Jackie Sones said...

Excellent, good to know they're showing up in Humboldt, too!